
Prosthetic dentistry involves the restoration of oral function by creating replacements for lost teeth and gum tissue with artificial devices (complete dentures, partials, crowns or implant supported/retained restorations). This helps to improve function and comfort, maintain oral and general health, and provide support for a pleasing, alluring appearance.

prosthetic dentistry - alamont dental associatesOur continual training to provide restorative treatment has been rigorous, and our day-to-day experience in practice allows us to deliver smiles with high level function, maximum comfort and pristine esthetics. Our in-house dental laboratory, gives us unparalleled access to highly skilled, artistically driven laboratory technicians; which can provide numerous options unavailable to other dentists. Most dental facilities have to outsource these important (often crucial) necessities to different facilities (in other states and sometimes in other countries). This prolongs treatment time with the consequence of a more “manufactured or artificial” result. Working as a team, with your final image in mind, we can provide personalized, customized results.